The Genesis Way

Within the church, creeds were created to provide its members with a short summary of beliefs and biblical truths that guide actions (e.g., Nicene Creed, Apostles Creed).
In Genesis, we believe it is important to do the same - to provide a summary of biblical principles that guide athlete's actions - we call it The Genesis Way.
The Genesis Way was put together over many many months by a group of pastors and Genesis leaders. It shapes the culture we are striving to provide. Below is The Genesis Way shown through a video from many athletes and in word.
The Genesis Way
I am a Genesis athlete.
I am created in the image of God
to glorify Him on and off the field.
Jesus Christ is the model of the best player.
I put the team above myself
and keep a humble attitude.
I put on love for others as a teammate
and a competitor.
I honor God’s authority
and those He has put over me.
I respect my coaches, teammates,
competitors, and officials.
I give my best
in practice and competition.
How I compete is what matters most
so that the results of my efforts
bring honor to God.
I am a Champion for Christ.