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One of Genesis' core values is Spiritual Growth.  Genesis provides its athletes with intentional opportunities to grow spiritually through many aspects of each sport.  One primary approach is having devotions at the end of each practice.  At the high school level, the players lead devotions rather than the coach.  There are two (2) resources provided to help athletes develop a devotion. 

1.  Fellowship of Christian Athletes (FCA) website with great resources can be found at:

(If on phone, hold down finger on link to launch FCA website.)

2.  Below are two videos developed by two Senior Pastors in Genesis providing help to athletes for how to develop a devotion to share with their team.  If by chance the athlete has been asked instead to share their personal testimony of coming to faith in Jesus Christ, there is a second video below that provides help.  

After starting video, to maximize viewing on phone, turn phone sideways and click on arrows on bottom right.

Developing a Devotion Video

Developiong Your Testimony Video

If you have questions after reviewing this video, please reach out to the Director of Spiritual Growth for your sport (found under Family Directory on the Genesis App).

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